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Altar servers should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry them out well and with appropriate reverence. They should have already St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church When the additional/Apprentice Altar Servers reach the front of the aisle, the one(s) on the right will. This manual was originally written, edited and published for the instruction of the altar servers over a decade ago. Since its first publication to the The Altar Server's Ministry is a unique one in the Catholic Church. instructions regarding that day's liturgy that the priest and deacon may need to What is an Altar Server? Altar servers are not ordained, but are 'commissioned' by their parish priest to assist the priest in the celebration of theThe following guidelines were prepared by the Committee on the Liturgy and presented to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops for discussion at the You are now one of the liturgical ministers, along with the priest, deacon, lector and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Serving at the Lord's altar is The three primary positions during the mass are standing, sitting and kneeling. In any of these positions they should maintain a straight formal posture. In the Session 4: Schedule and Directions, page 22. Structure of the Mass and the meaning of Catholic prayer and ritual pages 23-24. Prayer after Serving and
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